Genesee Community College is one of the most affordable colleges in the northeast, with undergraduate tuition that is competitive with community colleges across the country.
Estimated Annual International Student 费用s
费用 | 量 |
学费 & 大学学费 | $6,400 |
房间,伙食,个人 & 当地的交通 | $9,046 |
Books and 医疗后送/遣返保险 | $1,542 |
最低预算总额 |
$16,990 |
*The cost of housing is based upon living in a double room occupancy apartment suite at College Village. 参观 大学村网页 了解更多信息 about on-campus options, rates, and how to apply. If a student chooses to live off-campus he/she is still required to show sponsorship of $16,990. The College Village Housing Contract is for the full academic year.
**Meal plans are included in College Village costs.
Medical Evavuation/Repatriation Insurance is 秋季/春季学期50美元 and 夏季学期25美元.
费用 | 由于 | 接受的付款方式 |
学费, 大学学费, and 医疗后送/遣返保险 | 在注册 | Visa/MasterCard, US bank check, money order, or cash/travelers check (in-person). 国际银行转账: Flywire |
大学村申请 | 申请费随合同一起支付. 住房费用包括在海湾合作委员会法案.参观 大学村网站 了解更多信息. | Visa/MasterCard/JCB over the phone or email. 邮寄:美国银行支票或汇票. 本人:旅行支票或现金. Bank Transfer: Contact College Village for Transfer information在线支付 用信用卡或借记卡. |
The net price calculator provides students and parents a total annual cost estimate to attend Genesee Community College.
Please note that the provided quote is a broad estimate and includes both direct and indirect costs. Actual out-of-pocket cost may be significantly less than the estimate.
Course registration creates a financial obligation to GCC. A tuition refund is only effective upon formal (written) withdrawal. The student can withdraw in writing in the Record’s Office or at any campus center location. They can also withdraw online through their myGCC帐户. Please be aware that non-attendance is NOT withdrawal. For further information on academic withdrawal, please contact the Record’s Office at (585) 343-0055 ext. 6218.